Saturday, September 13, 2008

Every phase of life is beautiful..

The first leaf is young, fresh and colorful. It looks full of life.
The second leaf is old, shriveled and faded. It still looks stunning with attractive patterns on it, despite the hardship it has undergone through all these years.
If I ask you to choose one beautiful leaf of the two presented here, I am sure most of you might find it difficult to decide..
Friend!, Enjoy each and every moment and make your life as beautiful as these leaves!


Chaggoholic.... said...

Loved the pics. Surely difficult pickin the best out of the two....

Thnx for comin on my blog....

Benaam Badnaam said...

nice...doesn't focus entirely on the photography but more so on communicating a thought...happy clicking :)

mamta said...

Awesome pictures..... Keeep Posting!!

monsoon dreams said...

i'd go for the second pic, has been young and full of life once,passed thru the trials of life, like old wine has become mature,still maintaining its basic skeleton and has become more beautiful.

Netra said...

@All: Thank you :)
@monsoon-dreams: Well, it now gives a new dimension to the way I thought when I posted this..
Over a period of time, one gets more mature and one's life becomes more meaningful and beautiful.. It gives a nice feeling to get older, with lots of hopes :) This is another beautiful thought indeed..

Wanda said...

Hi Netra:
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and your nice comments.

These are wonderful pictures, and I really like your narative.


mamta said...

So more dimensions for the leaf and life blog. How about another....Life which was so simple, clear, easy and smooth in the beginning gets too complex, hard and full of trouble..Yet Life is Stunning both in the beginning and Later!!!!!

Sushma said...

Awesome words dear!! relates so much to reality

Netra said...

@Wanda: Thank you :)
@Mamta: I see someone is getting very creative :) Thats another wonderful thought.
@Sushma: Thanks buddy..

Maddy said...

Beautiful pictures. Jumped from Moonsoon-dreams post. Awesome pictures. I have book marked your page

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